
February 2025


Who does God hate?

Note: YouTube took down the video. You can still see it at the “artist’s” website. Or, if you are in for additional humor, see Jesus’ General’s take.

Via The Stranger Slog

GayAmerica: Alabama

Via Jesus’ General.

The Right Says…

“Slave life was to them a life of plenty, of simple pleasures, of food, clothes, and good medical care.”

As quoted by Steve Gilliard / via Jesus’ General.

Thank God for CBS

I will readily admit that I am not particularly religious-and that I am anti-religious in one respect (one of the United Methodist Churches in Denver has annoyed me so much that I am anti-that church and its members). However, I am not anti-religious to the point that I am opposed to religion. Religion is both […]

Two Amerikas

Please read this entry from Jesus’ General. The argument put forth by Mike Thompson is incredible, while Fuck the South has some valid points.

Plus, Sorry Everybody has cute pictures, although for some reason I cannot access them when accessing via an indiana.edu ip address… so your ability to view the pages may be limited. […]

New Realities

Need help adjusting to the new Amerika? Mentoring is available. (Via Jesus’ General)

… on second thought, maybe I should have worded the link: “Help is on the way!“

Holy Cow

I know I’ve ranted about Jesus’ General before, and I will continue to do it every so often…

You must read this entry–and see what the State Senator from Illinois said to General JC Christian’s generous offer to run for US Senate.

(Oh yes, and I have posted a comment!)

Traveling to Britain

Obviously I am not quite sure when I will be posting this, but consider this to be a “live” as it happens trip report on my travels to Britain.

The good news is that I’m not even to the airport yet, and I feel like I have quite a bit to write about. We’ll see […]

Now Bush…

Via Jesus’ General, comes this fantastic tale…

One has to wonder if he’s only copying his impotence for he did something similar last month.

Cheney Curses!

Per CNN.com: Cheney Cursed out Senator Leahy using the F-word! Naturally, the Vice President’s office has said only that there was a “frank exchange of views.”

Follow Up: Jesus’ General covered this same story!