
September 2024


The week that was.


I really meant to blog sometime this week, but it escaped me – but now that it’s Saturday night, I have time.

Some how I managed to have something important (mostly fun) to do every single day of the week, after 4 o’clock. The icing on the cake was the fact that my […]

18:00 CET: Changing laundry loads

In retrospect, today’s photo was bound to happen, sometime – I just hadn’t quite expected it to be today.

The towels are about to come out and the dirty clothes to go in.

Basically I do clothing laundry roughly twice a week, usually right after every other trip to the gym, when […]

18:00 Central European Time: Today I was at the dry-cleaners…

A couple weeks ago, I realized that I haven’t been playing with my camera enough and I decided to set myself a challenge of documenting my life every day in February – by taking a photograph at the same time, 18:00, Central European Time, every single day.

Picking the time was a bit tricky because […]

In your closet, what way…

I just put away my dry laundry, and when I hang my shirts in my wardrobe, I face my shirts to the right.

Which way do you face your shirts?

Working from home…

My final long-distance guest of the Spring 2011 Guest Season has left the house.

It’s been quite a whirlwind few months and I am looking forward to the next month of relative quietness—I do have a guest spending one or two nights in mid-May, but she’s from Weimar and knows Berlin better than I do.


Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh…. Saturday

Every weekend since January 8 and 9, I have either been packing for travel, travelling, preparing for a guest, hosting a guest, sick, or, in the case of last weekend, working hard on a project with a tight deadline.

This weekend: nothing stressful planned.

I took Saturday easy—doing chores that I’ve let go for three […]

Sorry Berlin, Saturday is my fault.

Despite being in that post-cold stage where I feel slightly out of it at times, I’ve noticed that this past week the weather has been absolutely, positively, wonderful.

There is no doubt about it, people are out and about, and wearing less—it’s not quite shorts weather, but people are venturing out wearing t-shirts and lightweight […]

Random Things: I promise not to do this too often.

I have a zillion things running through my mind and I need to get them off my chest, so here goes nothing:

Penny Markt, home of Happy End toilet paper, is selling a Coca-Cola duvet and pillow cover set for 20€ this week. I want a set and I made a plan to go buy […]

Sorry about turning into a blog about moving…

Really, I hope to return to blogging about more interesting things than moving in the near future. However, for the moment, it’s kind of what I’m stuck on.

I wasn’t being productive enough at the office today so I decided to strike out a bit early and head home to take care of some chores, […]

A Question About Doing Laundry: What to Buy?

The last time I moved, I moved three blocks and it cost me 50€ to fix my washing machine, and the dryer never got fixed because most of the time I could hang my clothes on a rack, open the windows, and all would be dry within a few hours—or if it was July, 15 […]