
January 2025


My October in a few photos…

I started October in Stockholm, exploring an incredibly beautiful city.

My hotel was near T-Östermalmstorg, a vibrant part of the city. I’d planned to spend Saturday morning taking a free walking tour of the city, but the tour group was excessively large and there was only one tour guide, so I skipped out and […]

Visiting the European Capital of Culture (1999)

I had a great long weekend in Weimar.

Honestly, I’m not the typical tourist – I didn’t do the holy Goethe and Schiller thing, although I did walk past their statues in Theaterplatz.

Overall, in the eleven months since I’ve moved, not much has changed. There are a few more buildings that have been renovated […]

Having a busy week!

I’ve had a pretty busy week – MT showed up Tuesday afternoon. I spent the morning before her arrival going to the gym and getting my hair cut—so I’m looking buff (ha!) for her.

Wednesday we went south to Leipzig—she wanted to see the Stasi museum in Leipzig and I was more than willing to […]

Photo Update

When I work at the Weimar Office, I usually last about three to four hours before I need to get up and go. Today I lasted only 2.5 hours because I was examining page proofs. The page proofs are in really good shape and I am pleased with the quality, but it’s a very intense […]

Leipzig for Work

Strange to say but sometimes I am my most productive when I am isolated.

So without telling too many people, I took off Friday morning for Leipzig, where I ensconced myself in a coffee shop followed by a café followed by my hotel room, all in the name of getting work done—and I did. By […]

In Lisbon, Again

For those of you keeping track of me, I’m in Lisbon.

The trip was relatively painless: I’d rented a Mini Cooper for Saturday night, so all I had to do was get up, take a shower, and drive it over to the Leipzig Airport, which it did quite well—I peaked at about 190 on the […]

Leipzig on Friday Night

I’m not the only person who thinks that the New Orleans American Bar is weird. I took No Nickname Guy to the bar last night in Leipzig—he too was stunned by the juxtaposition of the Confederate Flag with the Gay Pride flag (never mind the leather and bear pride flags inside). Could somebody please […]

I’m Lovin’ It

The last time I went to McDonald’s, in America, was so long ago, I cannot remember. If I had to speculate, I would be at a loss. I mean surely I’ve been to an American McDonald’s sometime since I last remember eating at one in the airport on my way to Germany back in 2004.


“No, you’re not.”

It was a nice gentleman telling me this. I’d realized he had a German accent and remarked upon it, although he assured me he was actually Austrian, and I had just told him that I was a moron.

Even though I am one.

Yes, I’ve had my first major self-inflicted travel disaster today: I left […]

One Last Day…

Today’s my last full day in Bloomington before I head out on a biz-trip to… Germany.

Yes, I’m returning to the Father-Land for a week of meetings. The outbound journey is through Detroit and Paris to Leipzig, while I return from Frankfurt on a double-hop I did not originally desire.

For my last day, I’ve […]