Ah, it’s the end of the year – time for housekeeping, of sorts.
Maybe a resolution, or two.
I guess there are two resolutions that I’m making for 2011.
First, I will continue to go to the gym, every other day, when practically possible.
Although I’ve been planning on starting the gym […]
Für ein und ein halb Monaten habe ich das Fitnessstudio gefahren.
Es sind zwei Fitnessstudios in der Nähe von mein Wohnung—und mein ist die zweite nächstgelegene. Das Fitnessstudio ist sehr Schwule-freundlich. Ich denke dass 99% von der Männer sind Schwule und die Augenweide sind Geil.
Erste im der Fitnessstudio stemme ich Gewichte. Meine Trainerin mochtest […]
I’m trying not to let my blog turn into a continuous update of my every other day gym trips, as that would be completely boring. However it’s been five weeks since I joined the gym and I’m striving to make the gym a habit—and so far it’s working.
In order to enforce the habit, I’m […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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