
February 2025


Better than I am J: The Passing Playbook

A decade ago I reflected on reading “I am J” – the first book I had read focusing on transgender individuals. At the time, it was one of the few books I had read that took on being transgender directly – but it left me feeling “meh.”

Since then I’ve read any number of books […]

To the Stars: I saw George Takei in London

Last fall when Twitter started being destroyed, I set up an account on Mastodon – and after an initial burst of activity on Mastodon, I have reverted back to my Twitter-scale of use. (In other words, I don’t use it at all.)

That said, during my “active” time on Mastodon, I followed George Takei. […]

Whatchamacallit 145: Up (and Down)

Back in December 2013, I visited London to see Book of Mormon, among other things.

It was during that trip that I acquired this book, “Up.”

If you flip the book and turn it over, the book is “Down.”

The book is actually a flipbook – and as you flip the pages, a bridge […]

Whatchamacallit 111: Union Handroasted Coffee (to be deaccessioned)

Back when I was a coffee snob, I thought that it would be cool to have this, an empty, used, sack of coffee on my kitchen wall as decoration.

Its time is up – and I have decided to remove it from my walls and, uh, donate it to…. Uh… I guess bio-trash? Or […]

Whatchamacallit 74: My Stuffed Penis Pillow

I love my penis pillow – ever since I brought it back from London, it has been on my couch and is, for some of my friends, their favorite penis to snuggle with whenever visiting me.

While I cannot be 100% confident in my guess, I am pretty gosh darn sure that I bought […]

Whatchamacallit 26: London Bridge and the Gherkin

This is my second “annoyed” Whatchamacallit of the Covid-19 crisis.

Today – Thursday – after work I should be heading to Tegel Airport and boarding a flight to London City Airport. It was to be a long weekend in London, in celebration of a friend’s birthday. It was going to feature two theatre shows […]

Rolling up the bridge in London…

London’s Rolling Bridge.

When I was a kid my Mom used to tell me that late at night, when people went to bed, the sidewalks were rolled up.

I have no idea where this idea comes from, but it’s a vivid image for a 4 year old – and one that has stuck with […]

London via Lytro

Last weekend I was in London — complete with breakfast at my hotel:

Naturally I had a great time, save for a couple details – like, for example, getting gifted a cold on my way out of town. I felt so awful this morning, that I opted to stay home and sleep.

As I […]

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my American friends (both in America and elsewhere) as well as all my friends in America (American or whatever), I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

I even wish my friends abroad, who are not American, but whom like turkey – a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and I am loathe […]

My last day in London – with Hairy Goat

The Shard, Europe’s tallest building.

I’ve been meaning to throw up a couple pictures from my last day in London –it’s only been three weeks. I don’t really have a good excuse other than the fact that work has been keeping me extremely busy, and when I’ve left work, I’ve been feeling exceptionally lazy […]