The weather which I bitched about yesterday (and, for that matter, the day before), came back to haunt me today.
Come to think of it, I’ve had a streak of really bad luck when it comes to travel over the past few months. I don’t think I’ve blogged about everything, but suffice it to say […]
Before I start the Vou Dou story, I just wanted to let you know that my suitcase found me today.
Anyhow, MT, Mike, and I met up one evening while in New Orleans to take the VouDou Witchcraft Tour. Leaving aside our individual appreciations of the tour, the tour ended at Erzulie’s, an authentic voudou […]
So I’m back in Weimar.
But my suitcase is not.
This seems familiar. Twice.
Now that I’m on my way back home and my suitcase is with me, I decided to rewrite some of what I had written before about New Year’s Eve in Prague and instead focus on the positive about having had my suitcase misplaced for a day and a half.
I had to wear my heavy […]
First off, I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year.
I rung in the New Year in Prague and had a fabulous time doing so. I have written a long entry about it, but on my laptop, so it must wait until I connect the laptop to the Internet.
Unfortunately, my bag is not […]
I’m in Prague.
Unfortunately my luggage is not.
Wow-what a day Thursday was- I did an amazing number of things considering my sleep deprivation and general attitude toward life.
I went to bed last night around 8, and then woke at midnight, and several other times-each time I made a pilgrimage to the bathroom. From having to walk 10 feet to the bathroom, […]
Ok, here is the status of my life: I am tired–but that is to be expected. Everything, except my suitcases, are here in Jena/Weimar. My suitcases have some how made their way to Munich and will fly to Erfurt later this evening, arriving in Erfurt around 8:30–which means they will make it to my place […]
Ah, as I write this I am sitting in the BordRestaurant waiting for the train to leave the station. Once the train gets going, I will be starting the last leg of my journey from Bloomington to Weimar.
The trip has not been without its hitches. Several hitches actually, but thanks to a wonderful United […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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