
January 2025


18:00 CET: Packing to go…

I leave on vacation later this week – and so tonight was the designated “packing night” and I have to say that I’m simultaneously happy and unhappy with the results of my effort.

Honestly my serious photography hobby has thrown a wrench into my plans and is, unfortunately, causing me to take my big suitcase […]

Ready to go… and a T-Com Story

I didn’t have as perfect a weekend as I had planned—waylaid Saturday afternoon, I didn’t actually start stuffing my suitcase until Sunday.

Suffice it to say, I’ve outdone myself: 28 bars of Ritter Sport, 12 bars of specialty German soap for a sibling, 1 fragile gift for a friend, one pair of shoes, shirts, undies, […]


Tomorrow I head up to Berlin for an evening with Snooker, a short nap in bed, and then an early flight taking me to my next destination.

Right now I’m packed—filled up the suitcase and ready to go.

Freak & Zen

I’ve entered some kind of weirdo stage of moving.

After I signed the two contracts in one day, I relaxed a lot—I took a nap Thursday evening and stayed up late—Friday the alarm came too early, but I trooped over let the cats out, and went to work. Thanks to a slightly delayed train, I […]

Trip Notes

JFK Congestion: The only time I’ve flown out of JFK before, I did it in the mid-afternoon. On my way back to Europe this time, during a foggy early evening, the door shut and the pilot announced that at this hour of the day and with these weather conditions, we would spend an hour taxing […]

Spring Cleaning

I didn’t really know what I was doing the past week at home, other than the fact that I was catching up on a lot of chores and annoyances that I should have caught up with before.

And then it dawned on me: Spring Cleaning.

Now some of the laundry I’ve done in the past […]

B2B: The Return (Delayed)

The weather which I bitched about yesterday (and, for that matter, the day before), came back to haunt me today.

Come to think of it, I’ve had a streak of really bad luck when it comes to travel over the past few months. I don’t think I’ve blogged about everything, but suffice it to say […]

Ready, Set…

I’m ready to go. Really. Today I woke up obscenely early, putzed around, did a load of laundry, packed my suitcase, started another load of laundy, popped down to the Weihnachtsmarkt for a present (I decided I would only buy it if I had space in the suitcase, and I did!), had lunch, came home, […]

Trip bound!

Prague’s Peach Pit

Originally uploaded by elmada.

Today’s been really good day…

I was incredibly productive, and I’m pleased to say the productivity included getting a desperately needed haircut. My head feels a whole lot better—and, I might add, it looks a whole lot better.

I would discuss the real productive part, but […]


I’m busy editing a paper tonight, and then I need to finish packing, for tomorrow I head off on my trip to Louisiville.

I’m flying TXL-AMS-DTW-SDF, which will gain me a new airport, and on the return (SDF-DTW) a new plane, which I am very excited about.

If I have time I will write more […]