
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 119: Maps, Maps, Maps (to be deaccessioned)

While most people cleaned their homes during the first few weeks of lockdown, I was slammed, workwise – so I maintained my new normal without much boredom:

0515 or 0530: Alarm, get dressed. Thereafter, a walk of at least 10,000 steps, taking at least 90 minutes. Shower Breakfast Work for six hours Nap Entertainment […]

Whatchamacallit 36: My Limits – sort of.

Last fall I ran across Volta Press and their amazingly beautiful Letterpress Maps of Berlin neighborhoods – so I bought my neighborhood, Schöneberg.

This striking map, framed, is in my hallway, at eye-level, so I see it multiple times daily. At least once I day I stop to admire it and to look at […]

Happy 775th Anniversary to Berlin!

Berlin has many points of interest – and if you look, one Fernsehturm.

Looking across Tiergarten toward Brandenburger Tor

This month Berlin is busy celebrating 775 years – there are a number of parties, exhibitions, and other events honoring the city’s brief moment on the planet.

Looking along Hauptstrasse toward Mitte – […]

3D Pittsburgh

Yesterday I’d agreed to meet somebody on the CMU campus at noon—so I decided that I would walk to campus, explore it, and then find his office.

I had a handy map from my hotel and I followed the streets thinking that I would end up on campus by walking down a street named Boundary, […]

Poor Design

As I noted yesterday (for the umpteenth time), Weimar is in love with Goethe and Schiller.

It also fancies itself as the European Capital of Culture—which is was nearly a decade ago in 1999. The trappings of refinement are everywhere you go in Weimar—Goethe and Schiller are fêted as heroes, art museums are celebrated, and […]

Thalys Geography

Because of some unplanned problems with my travel, I spent an hour exploring Antwerp’s new central train station.

It’s spectacular: they took a stunningly beautiful building and somehow made it more beautiful and in many ways more functional.

Due to the renovations, starting Sunday the high speed Thalys train will no longer stop at some […]


In the category of geeky places I’ve visited, I added one of the more obscure ones to my list yesterday.

It started with a childhood visit to the Four Corners—a truly man-made and obscure political point where four US states meet: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. It’s the only place in the States where […]


Take Photo Here: Also Bad Direction!

Originally uploaded by elmada.

As you can tell, I took a trip last weekend. I relied upon map24.de to get us to the southern reaches of Bavaria, using their directions to navigate from Nüremburg right through the heart of Munich right during Friday’s rush hour without any […]