
February 2025


Going to the MacDonald home: Glencoe

As I’ve noted, I grew up in Denver’s Park Hill neighborhood.

One of the features of the neighborhood is that the streets were a double alphabet with the first street in each pair being a place and the second a plant. So we had Hudson Street followed by Holly Street. There was also Leyden and […]

Queer McDonald’s Ad

via Queerty

HH: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg on Friday

This past weekend I made my way to Hamburg—the first German city I’d ever visited.

First off, I did not puke this time. I didn’t even get drunk.

Consequently, I enjoyed the city much more, and, quite frankly, I was in a far better position as a (dare I use the word) middle aged guy […]

Hea|d- or |rt- ache

I’m in Paris for one (short) night.

My train arrived at about 1, and my alarm tomorrow morning goes off at 4:30 so that I can grab a quick shower and head to the airport and to Lisbon.

Unfortunately I acquired a major headache on my way to Paris and so instead of making the […]

I’m Lovin’ It

The last time I went to McDonald’s, in America, was so long ago, I cannot remember. If I had to speculate, I would be at a loss. I mean surely I’ve been to an American McDonald’s sometime since I last remember eating at one in the airport on my way to Germany back in 2004.



So as I noted in “Yes busaker em,” Armenia was my first country that did not have a McDonald’s awaiting my custom at some random location, something that even Lichtenstein was able to provide.

But that was not all that made Armenia different for me.

Armenia is also the first place I’ve visited where things […]

Gay Leipzig

Friday night I decided to scratch my gay itch—but this time instead of going to gay Berlin, I decided it was feasible to take a late train to Leipzig, enjoy the gay night-life and then take the first train back on Saturday morning.

And it was. I took the 21:50 train from Weimar arriving in […]

ich liebe es

Ah, today was an amusing day- I stepped inside the Jena McDonald’s for lunch and had a Big-Mac meal- with fries, mayonnaise, and a coke.

In Europe on gets charged for the ketchup or mayonnaise that you dip your fries in – one free packet with your meal, beyond that who knows how much it […]

Moving Day

Ah, as I write this I am sitting in the BordRestaurant waiting for the train to leave the station. Once the train gets going, I will be starting the last leg of my journey from Bloomington to Weimar.

The trip has not been without its hitches. Several hitches actually, but thanks to a wonderful United […]

Super Size Me

Ok, this was a seriously disturbing movie.

I went to see it at the Castleton Arts Movie Theater in Northeastern Indianapolis. It is, to the best of my knowledge, the only place I can see the movie within a reasonable distance of my house in Bloomington. Better yet, I saw it on the way home […]