
February 2025


Five on the Fifth: Recycled

It’s November and it’s the fifth, which makes it the third time that I’m participating in Five on the Fifth. This time the theme is “recycled.” No great story about my photos this time, just five photos that some how invoke “recycled”. If you want to see more, visit Five on the Fifth […]

Five on the Fifth: Round

It’s October and it’s the fifth, which makes it the second time that I’m participating in Five on the Fifth. This time the theme is “round” and on Sunday I went around some of the celebrations of German Reunification (20 years!). All of my photos are from within a slow-paced 10 minute walk of Brandenburg […]

5 on the Fifth: Blue

Awhile back I participated in a weekly photo challenge, which I ultimately dropped because it was weekly and I had trouble keeping up. So while the frequency was too great, I wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of doing some kind of photography challenge–and over the last couple of month’s the participation by torchy in […]

On My Shelf

Recently Snooker asked me what was on my shelf—so after my energetic cleaning efforts of the past week, I have an answer.

Three, actually.

By The Bed

Ok, strictly speaking this isn’t by my bed, but opposite the foot of my bed—these are the books that are currently at home. Most of my books […]

Tide’s In, Dirt’s…

Honestly, I have no idea what bug has infected me, but after spending Sunday afternoon cleaning my bedroom, today I headed to the office and picked up cleaning it, where I had left off a couple weeks ago.

Maybe the cleaning is happening because Snooker tagged me last week and I want the photo(s) I […]


Usually I disapprove of tagging: spray paint is hard to remove and usually it is unsightly—I say this even as I constantly scan Weimar looking for new graffiti by my favorite artist.

Today, however, I’ve been tagged by Cathy to present 7 “random facts about myself.” So here it goes:

I had a dragon tooth […]

Know Europe

Northwest Photo Meme

The Northwest Ladybug had an excellent idea for a photo meme.

She wanted to know what other bloggers saw outside their windows as they wrote about their day/life/whatever. She immediately posted a picture of her backyard.

Here’s what I see from my balcony and from my kitchen: Buchenwald. It’s a haunting reminder of Germany’s past, […]

Warning! NC-17!

Mingle2 – Online Dating

Via Raging Rainbows!


About a month ago J, of Germany Doesn’t Suck, announced that today would be the 4th annual International Webloggers Day—and I decided to participate, adding the little button to my sidebar and then promptly forgetting about the event.

Needless to say, I was suddenly reminded about it today and discovered it’s theme, “solidarity.”

Oddly today […]