
September 2024


Picking A Username… or not.

Back in 1992 when I arrived at the University of Wyoming, one of the first things we had to do was register for a computer account

Sitting down at the terminal, we were to type newuser for the username and newuser for the password—we would then be instantly launched into a series of steps which […]

Stylin’ – getting a new groove on…

For those of you who haven’t looked at my blog since, uh, this evening, welcome to the newly restyled TQE site.

I actually downloaded the new theme about a month ago – because while I liked the old theme, the original author hadn’t actually updated it for… uh… years. I think the most recent updates […]

Happy 8th Anniversary to My Blog!

Some how I missed the fact that I converted elmada.com to the blog format 8 years ago Sunday – so I’m celebrating it this evening.


I had three posts that first Thursday…

Personal Blogging Ethics at TQE | That Queer Expatriate | elmada.com

I’ve been meaning to do this for a few years – but have been too lazy to actually do it. However, some external events have prompted me to lay out a few things so that in the event anybody has any questions, I can point them to this blog post.

First, should I ever blog […]

Figuring out Cheltenham Spa’s Public Transit requires too much patience.

Next week I am going on a brief vacation.

I’ll be flying to London, where I plan on spending a few hours perusing the Tate Modern before heading over to my favorite English city, Cheltenham Spa. Once there, I’ll be visiting friends and otherwise enjoying what the city has to offer.

Unfortunately, like all good […]

Yes, I am gay. Yes, I am male. Yes, I hear. Yes, I’m an American in Berlin.

I’m not a hetero male blogger claiming to be lesbian, deaf, or kidnapped.

For lazy bloggers—but not me!

I realize that I have been posting somewhat irregularly and infrequently the last couple of months – life’s been busy. Sorry.

However I just got an offer through email that could solve all my problems:

Dear Adam,

My name is Sarah from Article Writing Services. We have a client who would like to pay you […]

Killing FourSquare

I’ll admit it: I am a bit of a social media geek: I blog, I tweet, I flickr, I tumblr.

I even used to FourSquare.

But I gave it up seven weeks ago and haven’t really missed it.

I guess because I never really saw the point. For awhile I was into it because one […]

Recent comments trapped in my spam filter.

Small Dog Breeds said:

Hi truly great post!!!! Guy .. Gorgeous .. Incredible .. I will bookmark your weblog and take the feeds also

To Mr. Small Dog Breeds, thanks! I appreciate your dedication to my site.

ptz ip camera said:

I am so happy to read this. This is the kind of […]

My DSL is working again.

And I’m getting caught up with a lot of things now that I can be online at home—it makes me wonder what life was like before DSL speed Internet at home.

I found out, to a limited extent this week when I went out for dinner with a friend on Tuesday and then, Wednesday, I […]