
February 2025


The Soldier Tells His Mom.

It goes much more roughly than telling Dad.

Reflecting on September 20th, and more importantly, coming out.

Yesterday I admitted a bit of ambivalence when it comes to the subject of gays in the military, and it’s mainly driven by the fact that, in general, I’m ambivalent about the military.

Certainly I will admit that it plays an important role in protecting the United States, even as, at the same time, I […]

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’s over: Telling Dad

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Matter No More

Today, September 20th, is actually a pretty remarkable day for the United States: no longer do gay or lesbian soldiers need to hide in the closet.

Despite my personal ambivalence on the subject (I’m not really interested in being shot nor do I want other hunky gays shot), it does please me that people can […]

The greatest invention ever: Prosecco 2Go

Today’s been, for me, a really good day.

For the most part – the only problem was when a train wagon I boarded had eight guys dressed with the same t-shirt, each with a 6-pack of beer. This was my cue to move to a different wagon where life would be more civilized.

Although I’m […]

Found Letter: From a Soldier in Korea

A long time ago, back when I lived in Wyoming, I bought a used book and inside it found a letter from Lt. Mike A. Campbell written to Mr. Frank Campbell.

The letter was written back on July 24, 1977, (when I was 3 years old!) and mailed from an APO address, presumably Korea given […]

General John Sheehan is an ignorant fool.

Dutch fury at US general’s gay theory over Srebrenica.

Glad he’s retired. I wish he was muzzled. He’s an embarrassment.

Gay For Obama

Ok, I buried it in the previous post, but I’m reading a variety of blogs and legitimate news sources that keep telling me that Obama is a bad president—with some going so far as to say,

I decided today that I’m officially anti-Obama. (Ragan Fox, Poet)

I’m tired of this anti-Obama rhetoric based solely on […]

Christmas Time. Or Not.

It just occurred to me that my internal clock consistently confounds me.

I am mostly finished with my Christmas shopping—seriously. I bought presents for my family in South Africa, Armenia, Portugal, and Germany. There are a few more presents to buy—things where freshness counts, but not that much. When I took Lindt Christmas Chocolate to […]

Ain’t Germany

I was just looking at the Indy Indians team website–and the promotions for the Friday, June 8th home game at Victory Field:

Boy Scouts across Indiana participate in a post-game sleepover on the field. Sponsored by Coors Light & U.S. Army

Coors Light?

Now while this doesn’t personally offend me, one has to wonder what […]