A couple months ago, YouTube started recommending to me that I watch Mormon Missionary Surprise videos. For a week or two, I was addicted.
Basically, the genre works like this: some kid (and by kid, I mean guy aged 18 or girl aged 19), has received their letter from the Church of Jesus Christ of […]
I’m happy to report that I am at home – my flight arrived back in Berlin some 3 hours late, due, at first, to the fact that a plane landed on one of the Newark runways with its nose-gear up – which ended up closing the airport for awhile, and then, secondly, due to a […]
Ok, all it took was me writing that the black computer reboot thing had been fixed.
Let me assure it, it wasn’t and last night it totally screwed up my computer, to the point where I gave up trying to use it, and went to bed with only my imagination working. It’s scary out there.
One of Elizabeth and my three stops in Cincinnati was the National Underground Railroad Museum, sandwiched between the football and baseball stadiums.
The museum was kind of hokey—we managed to arrive at the same time that 400 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The line was out the door. Fortunately the line moved quickly and […]
I have important news for you!
Well, maybe it’s not really important news, but it is news: I took a walk this afternoon downtown and wandered around the Weihnachtsmarkt, and the headless Santa has been removed from the sleigh! Happily, little children will no longer be traumatized by the sight.
That wasn’t the only interesting […]
While visiting Nome in Vancouver, I realized that three movies I like all relate the Mormon experience with sexuality. At the time I jotted down the name of the three movies for Nome and promptly forgot about the list.
However it crossed my mind again and I thought I would list the three Mormon flicks, […]
Ok, so I’m writing this onboard the InterCity Express from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof to Weimar Monday morning—a few days before I thought that I would be returning to home.
It seems that my usual trip detail anality has not been accurate enough. I need to learn to read calendars and itineraries more carefully before approving anything.
It was bound to happen after my January donation.
I’m now on the mailing list for Islamic Relief USA, which is great. They’ve only sent me one newsletter so far, and it’s a pretty nice 12 page item, which highlights the work they are doing to help the tsunami victims.
Interestingly, they seem to be […]
I promised Anja that I would write about our Sunday adventures today, but I am going to break the promise—I didn’t get home until now (11pm) because I ended up going out to dinner with a couple of colleagues from the office and missing the 9:15 train, which meant I had to catch the 10:15 […]
So last night my laptop stopped working and my heating was broken.
Is this a message from the Gods about my attitude toward the Mormons?
He was cute dammit! Yummy cute!
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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