
February 2025


A Meta-Post

So I’ve sort of hinted at it now and then, and after a great deal of work, usually involving cut-and-pasting, I’ve created the archives section of this website and fixed up a number of things with the main site.

The new TQE | Archives section of the site includes stuff that used to be available […]

WordPress Convert

I finally decided that I couldn’t deal with the latest MovableType upgrades — and that it was too complicated to do things I thought should be easy, so I decided to change software. So many people use WordPress and don’t seem to have issues, that I’m going to gamble on it.

Please bare with me […]

My Weekend

It’s been a great weekend.

Yesterday I took the long walk that I’d been thinking about—from Weimar to Hopfgarten, a small village west of Weimar. I timed it perfectly. Minutes after I walked back into my flat the rain started.

I then made bread and homemade pizza. The pizza dough used a recipe that my […]

Mornin’ Update!

Just a few notes:

First, I’m now using tags. Below each new entry you will see a list of “tags” that I think apply to that blog entry. You can then click on the tag and see a listing of all blog entries that have that tag attached. There is also a “tag cloud” on […]

stuff IS missing

I just updated the underlying software for my blog, upgrading from MovableType 3.2x to 3.31. It was not an insiginificant change, and ultimately I ended up deleting my entire website and starting a new database to hold everything–thankfully the comments were saved!

I did save everything from the old site and I will be reassembing […]


Hey Everybody–thanks to MT for giving me a headsup about the comments not being posted.

It was thinking everything, except my comments, were junk! Of course some of it was junk–especially the viagra advertisements, but I released a bunch of comments.

I also reduced the filter’s tenacity–and I will start checking the filter more frequently.

MovableType 3.2 Part 2


When I went to bed last night, my site was completely messed up — everything was poured into one column and it looked terrible. I was frustrated and annoyed and I decided that the solution was to sleep on it, and work on it first thing in the morning when I was feeling less […]

Movable Type 3.2

So, you’ve probably noticed that my blog looks a bit funny.

It’s because I just updated to Movable Type 3.2, and it’s not perfectly smooth.

In fact, I am having some headaches which I am trying to fix. Hopefully I will get it squared away soon.

In the meantime, I let the boy down gently… […]

Stuttgart, Germany

Hi everybody!

I’m off on a biz trip to Stuttgart, and I won’t be home until late on Monday–so barring surprise web-access, there won’t be any updates until Monday night (unless Chris wishes to add more)…

Oh yes, and a note about comments: Various disgusting products (viagra, celias, penis enlargement, and blackjack) have discovered my […]


Hi! If you came looking for elmada.com, you’ve found it. I am moving from a FrontPage (difficult and annoying to update) based website to MovableType. Naturally this might take a few days for me to restore functionality and links to older material–but if you have the old pages bookmarked, they ought to work.