
January 2025


Now that I’ve moved…

I moved across Berlin back in September 2020 – thankfully during a “pause” of sort in the pandemic. Despite having been around a large number of people who were instrumental in my successful move (movers, my handyman, people installing lots of stuff), I managed to not get Corona.


… and I still have not […]

Time for a pause…

Now that I’ve moved, my apartment is filled with boxes – and I don’t have a reason to unpack until the kitchen is installed and other furniture delivered – a few weeks into the future.

I’ve done some basic cleaning of my old apartment – removing the shocking amount of dust that had accumulated behind […]

Whatchamacallit 180: Berliner Luft (part 2)

In July I wrote about Berliner Luft, the soap bubbles.

Now it is about Berliner Luft, a peppermint liquor that is best not drunken.

However, 2.5 years ago I bought this bottle to celebrate the fact that I’d purchased some “Berliner Luft,” as in a few cubic meters of air high in the sky.


Auf Wiedersehen.

One of the hard parts of being an expat is that the people you are closest to – often other expats – are the most likely to pack up and move.

This very week two expat friends are going repat: moving back to their native lands. One is a fellow blogger and American, the other […]

Mothers and Mobility

This past weekend was shockingly lazy: apparently I had a sleep deficit and I made up for it with a vengeance. Other than reading and taking four long naps, I did two significant things: I went to a park (where I read Straight Man, a delightful book), and I went to the gym.

It was […]

It’s taken me two and a half months to…

The happiest day, so far, in Berlin was the day that I moved into my apartment.

Since then I’ve made a lot of progress: the bedroom was the first to be finished, then there was a long gap: the handyman came and got a lot of stuff done, but he had to come back to […]

It’s been a great weekend, so far.

I’m happy to report that my first guests, Snooker and Sweet No, liked my apartment, and how it is decorated, as well as coming up with plausible explanations for why there are damaged areas on my floors plus the odd bathroom/kitchen configuration.

Their impending visit was just the kick in the pants I needed to […]

Holy Crap! Guests are coming! I need to clean!

Other than the movers, the handyman, and the (unnecessary) plumber, the only person to have set foot in my apartment since my move-in day is… me.

In part it is because of my kitchen: I like to cook for my guests and until my kitchen cabinets are properly attached to the wall, I’m not really […]

I’m rich!

Well, not really rich—but the good news, at least for me, is that my bank account is sufficiently above zero that I feel comfortable.

And I’ve done some shopping already:

DSL/Landline Service: I’ve ordered phone service for home, including DSL that is, in theory, 8 times faster than what I had in Weimar. It should […]

On Settling Down.

I’m happy to report that things are falling into place in the apartment.

It’s making that magic transformation from a generic abode into something more home-like.

Eat faggots.

Today I mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors and started to put things in my living room into what should be their final resting spots. My […]