
September 2024


Photos: Last Weekend In Munich

I spent last weekend in Munich, hanging with people I adore — we did more than what appears in the pictures below, but I started having “issues” with my camera, and it wasn’t until after I reset it to factory settings that photos started working out again. Unfortunately most of the trip was over by […]

Munich Cowboys: Playing with the what again?!

This advertising campaign wouldn’t fly in the United States, but this advertisement is for the Munich Cowboys, an American Football team, and it’s made me want to go to an American football game.

Munich Cowboys / via Cowboy Altitude


Packaging Overkill by Käfer

I wanted to get a gift for a friend who lives in Munich—a quick consultation with the über-wise Headbang8 delivered the perfect solution: a gift certificate to Käfer, a high-end grocery store.

Online I found a 50€ gift certificate, which then cost 5,90€ to get shipped to me.

I expected an envelope—worst case scenario. It […]

MacBook Wallpaper

Today I updated my MacBook’s wallpaper. It’s not that I didn’t love my first self designed wallpaper, its just that it was old. Feel free to steal these–these are optimized for my 13″ MacBook and have 1280 x 800 dimensions.

Here’s the new wallpaper, which I took whilst on vacation in Antalya:


Random Tuesday Today Thoughts

I know that Snooker in Berlin participates in the weekly Random Tuesday Thoughts—and to be different, I’m doing it on Wednesday—but only because I have a crap load of thoughts to get out. I could try and break down the thoughts into more complete individual blog posts, but none of these thoughts really deserve that […]

Expatriates Meeting in Munich!


Yesterday it dawned on me that it’s almost time for the Whiney Expatriate Blogger Unmissable Meet-up!

It will certainly be a moist time for all.

From September 4-6 I’ll be down in Munich for the largest gathering of complaining German expatriates bloggers in 2009. We’ll be visiting all the best spots that […]