
February 2025


Books 98 to 110: Holy Cow!

The year is rapidly winding down – and in a year that I do not think of as particularly reading intensive, I’ve already read 110 books – and I have two more in progress, which should all be finished by the end of the year. I’ll even bet that I read a lot more than […]

Tiergartenstrasse 4: A New Memorial in Berlin

If there’s one thing Berlin has in spades, it’s history. Lots and lots and lots of history. Much of it is depressing – the kind of history you want to forget but don’t because it should never be forgotten.

Like the Nazi’s Aktion T4 program that killed people who were judged to be insane […]

Wissen schafft Akzeptanz / Knowledge brings acceptance: Happy Birthday to Alan Turing.

Today, June 23, 2012, marks the 100th birthday of Alan Turing, a man whose efforts helped break Nazi encryptions, and, consequently, end the war. He was even awarded an OBE for this.

There’s no way I could do justice to him in this space.

But I do want to focus on the fact that he […]

Last Saturday: Peenemünde Historical and Technical Information Center

The infamous V2

So while the only honest word that could describe this Saturday is “lazy”, last Saturday I was busy visiting the Peenemünde Historical and Technical Information Center.

It was actually the core reason that I wanted to visit Usedom—one of my colleagues had mentioned that the museum is about the development of […]

What’s worse: Allowing Neo-Nazis to murder 10 people or Joe Paterno letting a coach rape kids?

Honestly, I cannot answer my own question, but it is something that I’ve been pondering of late.

The details of both are disturbing – and I’ve been inundated with details about one from the German half of my life and details about the other from the American half of my life.

The Neo-Nazi story actually […]

This Love-Hate Relationship with Germany: A Tour de Misery

While Koko was visiting, I took a couple days off of work to join her in visiting Berlin tourist sites and was quickly reminded of how Germany is the perfect place to live if you love to hate where you are, and at the same time love to love where you are.

It’s rather simple, […]

Have you noticed? Lots of photos…

Recently I got a present – an expensive present – and I was able to do most of the choosing of the bits.

Since the information is out there, it’s a Canon 60D.

What I’ve come to discover, which I had suspected, is that I really didn’t know a lot about photography and that I […]

I’m feelin’ a bit disenfranchised…

Anybody living in or visiting Berlin right now would surely know that today Berlin is holding an election.

The campaign season seems horribly long, but, in truth, it’s confined to a relatively short span. I believe I remember the first campaign posters going up in late July or early August. In this sense, the German […]

New Stolpersteine in the Neighborhood

Learn More: Stolpersteine.

Classic Readings

Where I was a week ago.

Without my laptop to provide me my required evening entertainment and podcast updates, last weekend I resorted to old fashioned entertainment: Reading.

Honestly, since moving to Germany I’ve read a number of books I’d never bothered to read before: 1984, Brave New World, and Catcher in the Rye.
