
September 2024


Whatchamacallit 24: vijftig gulden

There’s a lot to be said for the Euro: no more losing value when crossing borders within the euro-zone: day trips from Berlin to Paris don’t incur an inherent exchange penalty.

On the downside, euro banknotes are designed to be non-specific and boring (although the bridges were subsequently constructed, see Spijkenisse).

My favorite pre-euro […]

Whatchamacallit 1: Amsterdam painting.

This painting of Amsterdam is something I acquired a long time ago.

The date on the painting is 2003, which sounds about right. I know that bought it before I moved to Germany – it was framed by Framemakers in Bloomington, Indiana. I am relieved to know that Framemakers is still in business, apparently […]

€urobridges: from Fantasy to Reality. (aka: visiting Spijkenisse)

Last week I popped over to The Netherlands to visit colleagues, tackle a few ideas, and do another one of those odd touristic things that I seem to find, in this case visit the Euro-bridges.

The 5€ facade on the Bridges of the Eurozone.

Hello 10€ Bridge!

Back when the Euro was being […]

I’ve been too busy to tell you about my weekend in Amsterdam!

Apple Heaven

In the hustle and bustle of the last week (in the last week, between the pointless physical therapy and other meetings, I had stuff to do every afternoon after work) I forgot (not really) about my trip to Amsterdam last weekend.

It was a splendid long weekend: I left Berlin first thing […]

General John Sheehan is an ignorant fool.

Dutch fury at US general’s gay theory over Srebrenica.

Glad he’s retired. I wish he was muzzled. He’s an embarrassment.

Working Hard All Day and All Night

My Dutch Impressions

Nobody was injured.

Best looking library award goes to…

Imagine living on a canal in Amsterdam…

Speed Skater Sven Kramer wants you to eat bread. I (heart) bread.

Rotterdam evening rush hour as seen from above


Dutch against child who wants to “live freely”

Via the BBC / In light of the recent discussion:

Social workers in the Netherlands have taken legal action to try to stop a 13-year-old girl from sailing around the world on her own.

They want Laura Dekker to be made a ward of court, so that her parents, who support her plans, temporarily lose […]

Twitter Notes


Plane has technical fault- problem with a battery charger. KLM pilot came out & apologized. Problem already fixed. >>

Results in @KLM, @GoodPilotNews, and @visitholland following you.

We have winners! Ian and Jul!

Seen in Rotterdam!

Ultimately I decided upon two Photo Contest winners: Ian in Hamburg for his “clean” responses of “Christmas Tree” and “Buttplug”, and Jul for the more accurate responses of “Buttplug” and “Buttplug.”

After taking the photo, I sent a link of it to one of my Dutch friends who doesn’t live in […]