
February 2025


Whatchamacallit 43: Erzulie Freda Ritualized Vodou Doll

For those of you who have Zoomed / Google Hangouted / WebExed / GoToMeetinged with me, over my shoulder there has been Erzulie Freda, a vodou doll I bought in New Orleans.

It is today’s Whatchamacallit after a friend asked about it during cocktail hour earlier this week.

The bottom of the work is […]

Whatchamacallit 12: Café du Monde by (Geri) Haywood

This painting represents New Orleans and is on the wall of my kitchen.

In my few quick minutes of googling, I cannot find any information about the artist, Haywood – other than the fact that her first name is Geri. She works in New Orleans, which makes sense: this is clearly New Orleans – […]

My Brief Week Abroad / A Pause That Refreshed Me / North America

As y’all may have noticed, I was in New Orleans and Montreal last month – a weeklong trip to French parts of North America.

Michel de Broin’s Revolutions: Climb infinitely.

At the same time, the trip had some nice moments of symmetry – things that reflected back and made the overall trip fantastic.

New […]

A Few French Quarter Snaps

Aunt Tiki’s – I passed this at noon. Looking in the door I noticed two shirtless guys at the bar. This was almost enough to get me to pop in — but I kept wandering.

I spent Monday in the French Quarter – wandering randomly, evading rain, and then meeting up with one of […]

I’m in New Orleans

If I had to pick a spot to live in the USA, New Orleans would be near the top of my list, along with Portland, Oregon. New Orleans’ advantages include a dynamic interesting city (equal to Portland) with a diverse culture (different from Portland). The real strength of NOLA comes in its Cajun and Creole […]

Pat Robertson: Right!

Southern Decadence Originally uploaded by EgOiStE.

Ok, I am about to admit that Pat Robertson was right.

And yes, I am getting over a cold, but no, the cold didn’t cause my thought process on this point.

The fact is that Pat Robertson messed up three minor details in a prediction: the date, […]

Vou Dou

Before I start the Vou Dou story, I just wanted to let you know that my suitcase found me today.

Anyhow, MT, Mike, and I met up one evening while in New Orleans to take the VouDou Witchcraft Tour. Leaving aside our individual appreciations of the tour, the tour ended at Erzulie’s, an authentic voudou […]

leaving New Orleans

Today is a very sad day. I’m on my way home.


World Class

New Orleans is clearly one of America’s best cities. The rest of the top five includes New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. Fifth place goes to either Boston or Miami–but since I have visited neither, I don’t know which. Both have a lot going for them.

Things I love about New Orleans, in no […]

up in the air…

Train in an hour to Frankfurt. Interview with Continental Security. Plane to Newark–Immigration, Customs, Connection. “Security” with TSA. Plane to New Orleans. Meeting friend upon arrival.