
January 2025


18:00 CET Times Two – 10:00 in the Mountain Time Zone

Sorry about my silence, but I’ve been without Internet access since leaving Laramie, and, as such, have a pile of email to look through.

As such, this will be just a quick run-down of what I’ve been up to at 18:00 CET/ 10:00 MST for three days straight.

The Saturday photo would be here, but […]

18:00 CET: Packing to go…

I leave on vacation later this week – and so tonight was the designated “packing night” and I have to say that I’m simultaneously happy and unhappy with the results of my effort.

Honestly my serious photography hobby has thrown a wrench into my plans and is, unfortunately, causing me to take my big suitcase […]

A Mismash of Many Things!

I’ve had a pretty busy week – Actually it’s been a fantastic week.

I can only think of two “negative” things: First, I banged my leg into a table Tuesday evening –pretty hard—it took me 2 minutes of cursing before I could move again—and it hurt enough to noticeably bother me through Friday. It’s still […]

Fall Cleaning

Right now my dining room table has piles of stuff on it.

It’s the two books I am bringing to read whilst in Wyoming, the papers indicating where I am staying, how and where I am travelling, and more, plus 28 bars of Ritter Sport chocolate for people I meet along the way.

Any leftover […]

Where’s the Adapter

I have packed more carefully for this trip than the last trip: I’ve remember my passport and it is already in my pocket.

In half an hour I’ll be getting on the train to Frankfurt.

Meanwhile, this entry is rushed because I’d misplaced the electric adapter for my computer: I remembered seeing it yesterday, but […]

Ready, Set…

I’m ready to go. Really. Today I woke up obscenely early, putzed around, did a load of laundry, packed my suitcase, started another load of laundy, popped down to the Weihnachtsmarkt for a present (I decided I would only buy it if I had space in the suitcase, and I did!), had lunch, came home, […]


Even though I’m not leaving until Friday morning, I started packing today.

I really have to be finished by tomorrow night since Thursday night is the office Christmas party and I won’t be able to pack after that. I’m hoping to drink much eggnog-or its German equivalent.

Last Saturday, when I went to Erfurt, I […]