
February 2025


Friday Night, at home.

Federweißer with pizza fixings in the background.

Before going into the oven. I forgot to take the baked picture…


Status, Civilisation, and Mildly Boozy Thoughts

Right now I’m working on 4 projects simultaneously:

Massive Project is the one without an immediate deadline. It needs to be done before Christmas, but not all the components are yet in place. I have pieces that need attention, but there are three other things needing attention Annoying Project is one that should have been […]

What a Weekend!

1 cent, Salt, Bread: A German Welcome to Your New Home

I should probably be getting back to finishing my current work project—a deadline is looming tomorrow—but instead I need a few minutes to decompress. My first load of laundry is in the dryer (I need what’s in it tonight), the second (of three) […]

Economic Distress

It’s great to be in Bloomington.

I had lunch today with a couple friends at Wee Willies (as good as I remember), and then I struck out alone for dinner at Greek’s Pizza (I think its fall from grace is complete—the pizza is not as good as it used to be).

I also picked up […]

The Weekend Begins…

Happy Friday to you!

I’ve had a really good week, and it’s closing off with two friends coming over for homemade Pizza, homemade dessert (TBA), and movies.

Strangely, after returning from the States, my computer came down with two viruses—I don’t know whether I’ve had them for awhile or if the latest updates of my […]


The Cock: I started out last night by going to The Cock here in New York City. A couple of comparative notes—I got there at 11:15 because if I hadn’t, I would have stayed in bed and fallen asleep. 11:15 at The Cock was too early, unlike the bar I wanted to go to in […]

Favorite Meals

Whenever I am in Bloomington, I have four meals that I consistently crave.

The first is the French Toast with cinnamon and powdered sugar at Wee Willies on South Walnut. I don’t know how they do it, for its not really that complicated a dish, but Wee Willies makes the absolute best on the planet, […]

Oven Disasters

This has been a weekend of baking disasters:

Friday night, after having read about a No-Knead Bread recipe from the New York Times, on a couple of websites, I decided to try it. I have no idea what went wrong, but Saturday afternoon it became readily apparent that my attempt was a disaster—and that I […]

Cookin’ Again!

Something clicked in me today—not sure exactly what, but I felt like cooking today, and for dinner I made homemade pizza, as well as pumpkin bread.

The pizza was fantastic. I put spinach, mushroom, and olives on it. The leftovers will make for a splendid breakfast and lunch tomorrow. The sauce was much better this […]

Pizza Dough

At the request of J, from Germany Doesn’t Suck, I am going to have a Queer Chef moment and talk a bit more expansively about cooking!

Here is the recipe my Mother suggested for pizza dough:

US Ingredient Metric 0.5 oz Yeast / Hefe 1 packet 11/12ths Cup Warm Water / Wasser 225 ml 2 […]