
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 133: Tidewalker Whiskey

I bought this bottle of whiskey last August in Portland, Maine.

Portland, Maine, was the second of three stops I made in New England: the first was Western Massachusetts to see a high school friend; the third Boston to meet other friends.

I chose Portland because I’d never been there – I’ve been to […]

The wheels on the bus go round and round…

M48 at Busseallee, the last stop. Or first.

I take the bus to and from work, the M48.

My commute costs me about 55€ a month – unlimited travel in the Berlin AB zones, whether on bus, tram, U-bahn, S-bahn, or regional trains. And ferries.

I think it is an excellent value: I don’t […]

Denver is getting it right, but Portland is already there.

There’s a park in this photo.

Written Saturday afternoon, posted today — because I was having too much fun!

As I observed after my time in Denver, I feel that Denver is getting it right. Public Transport is going to have a strong hub in the form of Union Station and a part of […]

I ate a gaybar.

I’m in Portland, Oregon. Home of so many wonderful things, including VooDoo Doughnuts, where good things come in pink boxes.

Pink boxes signal great doughnuts — and a long line, even at 5pm.

Three VooDoo Doughtnuts: The top is a “cock and balls”, then lower left is a dirty doughnut and on the […]

48 Contiguous States, 48 not so contiguous memories: The northwest

In a couple of weeks I shall have crossed the Contiguous United States line—having visited all 48 of the contiguous states, leaving only Alaska and Hawaii to be visited sometime down the road.

I thought that I would share my memories of the states – at first I thought about doing it in alphabetical order, […]

Liberalism as a threat to American Midwestern cities.

One of my friends posted a Tweet pointing to a fascinating op-ed piece, Liberalism Threatens Evansville, by Audrey Andress at the Independence Times, a blog that is “your source for news in Evansville and the surrounding area.” For those of you unfamiliar with Evansville, it is in the southwestern corner of Indiana and is the […]

Paranoid Park

Let’s just say, my trip from Portland to Brussels was great, until I got to Brussels, and then things went downhill rapidly—from the instant the plane parked.

After having put a temporary fix on the problem, I took a nap and woke up feeling somewhat refreshed and in need of entertainment. I grabbed Brussels’ tri-lingual […]

English Mistake

The problem with short trips is that you never have enough time to see or do everything you want to do. My stay in Portland was marred by this problem, plus the fact that I need to be functional Thursday in Brussels. So Monday afternoon, after my meetings were finished, I returned to my hotel, […]

Hipster Hip

This isn’t my first visit to Portland, but it’s the first time I’ve been here and been in the right part of town.

As you may (or may not) recall, I’m staying at the Ace Hotel in Portland, which, in addition to having “European Style” rooms, is exactly one block south of the world famous […]

Four Fotos for Sunday

In the morning I passed the VooDoo Doughtnut Shop; I returned after dinner for dessert.

After 12, I ordered a Soy Decaf Latte from Stumptown Coffee Roasters.

Portland memorializes the greatest injustice of WWII within America.

After one restaurant’s waitress didn’t want me sitting where I wanted to sit, I ended […]