One of the “nooks” on the Charles Bridge featured this sculpture of men in agony.
Some how, between my birthday, the Berlinale, and the fact that I’ve had three nasty colds over the past four weeks, it totally escaped me that I hadn’t posted about Prague.
I was in Prague for a weekend at […]
I’m in Regensburg for the Regensbloggers‘ Apartment Warming Party.
While my hosts are busy setting up, I am exploring Regensburg—I’ve never been here before and I have to confess, it’s a charming city. I can immediately see why its popular with tourists from both abroad and Germany.
The Regensburg Dom is a beautiful structure that […]
Prague’s Franz Kafka International Named World’s Most Alienating Airport
Since moving to Germany, I have never spent New Year’s Eve in Germany.
My first year I partied in Prague, the second year I found myself in Kyiv, the third year was spent sleeping, preparing for an early morning flight, and last year I was in Guadalajara.
Three of the four were memorable for all […]
This entry coves gay porn. Although the written content of the post is not really pornographic in and of itself (by my standards), the post does link to porn and writings that some may consider offensive.
On the other hand, I think most of it is pretty mild.
One thing that is inexpensive in Prague is food—assuming you are not in the tourist areas.
By the time we got to our pension’s front door, MT had been awake for well over 30 hours and was in no real condition to go too far—we ended up eating at La Rustica (Donská 11; 101 00 […]
Prague’s Peach Pit
Originally uploaded by elmada.
Today’s been really good day…
I was incredibly productive, and I’m pleased to say the productivity included getting a desperately needed haircut. My head feels a whole lot better—and, I might add, it looks a whole lot better.
I would discuss the real productive part, but […]
It’s time for a series of short-takes on stuff:
Haircut: Remember that haircut where I wanted to take the stylist home? Well, I haven’t followed up on it on the blog, but it was clear that he is an apprentice after only a week. It’s not the worst hair cut I’ve ever had, but it […]
A Jet Plane
Originally uploaded by elmada.
I want to write about something, but I cannot. Suffice it to say that right now I am a very happy camper. I have resolved a minor outstanding detail regarding something and it worked out quite nicely after a 30 minute phone call.
Anyhow, I need […]
So I visited Prague again, but due to ignorance, it appears that Rui and I hit the city on a four day weekend—or maybe a five day weekend.
July 5th was “Den slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje,” the official celebration of Christianity’s arrival, and today, the 6th, is “Den upálení mistra Jana Husa,” which marks […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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