
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 112: A Face Mask

When it became clear that face masks would become required, it was time to invest.

Some of my investment choices were bad (relegated to the bottom of my bag ‘o masks), some were outstanding. Anything with a metal clip to hold the fabric close to the nose is probably outstanding – built to prevent […]

Pride 2006

Today was, in many ways, a replay of a lovely Saturday afternoon I had two years ago shortly after arriving in Germany.

I caught the train to Erfurt because “Christopher Street Days” were in progress. Last time I got off the train and met up with Katya, and discovered that I couldn’t understand her handwriting […]

mach’s mit

Auch für junges Gemüse

Young Veggies take note! You too should wear condoms…

So the German Anti-AIDS campaign is in full swing–and veggies are wearing condoms all over Germany as a part of the “Mach’s Mit” campaign. According to my sources, “Mach’s Mit” roughly translates as “join” or “take part.” Careful search of […]

Avoid Ft. Myers

School officials in Ft. Myers, Florida, USA, have decided to keep their kids safe by not allowing them to travel to London to participate in the 2007 New Year’s Day Parade.

It seems that the local school officials are a bit worried about Terrorism, not remembering that their own city isn’t that safe.

More: CNN […]

Note to self: Never fly British Airways

This is corporate insanity at its best. Apparently safety of passengers is not priority-one at British Airways.

Work Place Rules

I just got the following from my new office.

No comments allowed.

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Dear colleagues,

Once a time in a year we have to undertake instructions about protection of health and safety standards at work. I will send you these instructions via e-mail. Please read the instructions carefully and confirm the information by […]