Stuff that’s been in my head, and I want to get it off my chest.
Recently I’ve been remembering a conversation that I had back when I lived in Bloomington between grad students – we were talking about money and debt. As I recall there was one spouse there, and the spouse said something like, […]
Today I picked up a new pair of shoes and was given a free can of G-Wax that I could use to waterproof my new shoes.
I read the instructions on the bottom of the tin:
Anwendung: Sparsam mit den Fingern oder einem Tuch auftragen.
Basically, I’m supposed to sparingly apply it with […]
My second great experiment with the gym began last November (for those of you unaware, I had a great experiment with the gym when I lived in Bloomington – and, in fact, when I moved here, I wasn’t slim, but I wasn’t fat – my German driving license shows a much slimmer (in the face) […]
das Original
Am ende von meine Reise habe ich „Adam-Zeit“.
Diese mal bin ich in Indianapolis und Indianapolis ist der „Frankfurt“ von den USA: ein Stadt ohne Seele und ohne Vorsatz. Es ist geisttötend.
Samstag morgen Indianapolis habe mehr Schnee—aber diese Schnee ist über ein dick Inlandeis. Freitag Abend […]
Right now my dining room table has piles of stuff on it.
It’s the two books I am bringing to read whilst in Wyoming, the papers indicating where I am staying, how and where I am travelling, and more, plus 28 bars of Ritter Sport chocolate for people I meet along the way.
Any leftover […]
It’s always amazing to me the unusual and cool hobbies that people out there have.
I learned about a new one this past week when Marina wrote to me as a result of the picture I took of my new shoes with tea. Virtually all of the photos that I use on my […]
The mountains of snow blanketing Germany are rather impressive—it started snowing a couple days ago and hasn’t really stopped since.
Saturday I wore my pair of hiking sneakers when I went downtown—in Müller I noticed lots of dirty tracks under my feet, and I thought to myself that some earlier customer sure was messy. Then […]
I picked the pair of shoes below whilst in England—a brand I’d never heard of, El Natura Lista.
The shoes were cute, although I had to go up a half US size in order to get the width I needed. One of my foots is wider than the other, and the other is slightly longer […]
I am in Detroit, and I am happy to report I have been fully inspected.
This morning, at the first security checkpoint in Frankfurt, I learned that my Timberland Boots contain just enough metal to set off the metal detector. Having learned my lesson, I took off my boots at the second checkpoint, only to […]
One of the great mysteries of flying are the number of people who take their shoes off.
Ok, that part’s not a mystery—on a long haul flight when you’re trapped in a seat for hours at a time, it can be worth taking your shoes and zoning out without the constraining factor of shoes.
The […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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