
January 2025


Customer Service Woes resolved with Twitter. Part 1: T-Mobile, Germany

I have to say that I am a bit disappointed in customer service, on both sides of the Atlantic. Although I’m not sure I can call the North American issue, “customer service”—but more on that in a day or two.

Meanwhile I have happy news to report: my iPhone 3G is, finally, unlocked.

Unfortunately it […]

It’s been a great 24 hours for my communication!

Monday evening, when I was at home, I got a call from my friendly T-Punkt store (T-Punkt sells stuff for T-Com (the telephone company, and now known as, I believe, T-Home) and what used to be (at least in Germany) T-Mobile (the mobile phone company, now happily known as “Telekom”).

The wonderful lady had happy […]

Strange Branding Decision: Auf Weidersehen T-Mobile in Germany

I’ll readily admit that I’m not a branding expert, but it seems to me that if you’ve got a global brand that works in multiple countries, you don’t mess with it. McDonald’s is McDonald’s in every country it operates in; Coca-Cola stays Coca-Cola in the deep South and in deepest Africa; and British Airways doesn’t […]

New Handy!

My mobile phone has been causing me a great deal of heart-ache of late, so I finally got around to buying a new mobile.

I’d tried to do so in America, and went to a T-Mobile dealer at the mall in Bloomington and asked what I thought was a pretty simple question: “What do you […]

Berlin Emotions

So Wednesday evening I wrote very briefly about my trip to Berlin, and I closed by saying I was on my way to bed.

I lied.

I really wanted to write this in peace and quiet– or rather in peace and Kai Tracid’s CD, “Contemplate the Reason You Exist.” Its ended up taking me a […]

SIMulating Discussion

I noticed that CQ asked in my blog if my German SIM card would work in the UK, essentially asking, “Why the hell did you get yet another phone number you dork?”

Answer: I’m probably going to visit the United Kingdom more than once during the next year, and using my German SIM card whilst […]

T-Mobile UK

One of my quick chores while in Britain was to pick up a T-Mobile SIM card for my phone. This was accomplished surprisingly quickly-unlike Germany, I didn’t have to produce my passport, sign any documents, or give blood. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes.

Just in Time

T-Mobile seems to have started a new tower near my house today, just over 7 months after I moved in. I now have signal for the next week and a half. Be ware those who I haven’t called recently… I will be phoning!


I called T-Mobile to cancel my mobile phone service in the USA since I am moving to Germany. The lady was very nice, and I made an off-the-cuff remark that I had already signed up with T-Mobile in Germany.

The woman said, “They have T-Mobile in Germany?”

Bureaucracy II

Friday was a pretty busy day. I woke up at some obscene hour-5:30, as I recall, and checked email and other mundane stuff before I headed over to the train station. I needed to catch the 8:08 train to Weimar in order to hang out with J and finish up whatever work I needed to […]