
December 2024


Two positive customer service experiences in one day: Foto Meyer and the… uh… US IRS!

Today, after a long day of work, I had one mission to achieve: getting my camera cleaned. While in the Shetlands I’d noticed that there was a speck of dust in the viewfinder, but that said speck of dust was not showing up in my photographs.

Thank goodness – so I put off dealing with […]

Random Thoughts for January 20, 2013

My Wyoming Cowboys won their basketball game against #15 San Diego State last night. Given the scheduled game times, I tend to sleep through the vast majority of the games – February 16th is the most plausible game for me to watch/hear live, if it weren’t for the fact that I already have plans […]

I’m an idiot who answers unsolicited emails… FML

Liberty Income Taxes – for Canada

Every so often I check through my spam folder and am amazed at the offers for Viagra, free credit reports, and breast enhancement surgery, or whatever is lurking in that folder. Unless I spy a legitimate email hidden in the folder, I quickly hit the delete all button […]

More fun than I expected…

Last night I kind of nerded out and started sorting through a massive stack of paperwork that’s accumulated over the past month – there’s something cathartic about sorting through all of it, punching holes in documents and putting them in binders.

Maybe that’s not nerding, per se, but a sign of being too German.

I […]

What the hell is going on in America? A Rant.

Although I’m an American, and although I actually pay taxes in the United States, I’ve tried to avoid immersing myself too far into the details of the current debacle in the United States.

Honestly, I’ve been focusing a lot of my non-work brain time on other issues so my exposure to the problem has been […]

Paying Taxes

In my experience, once you’ve filed your 1040 in the United States, you never hear from the IRS again, unless you’ve done something stupid (like forget to sign the form – see my 2009 1040), or they’re auditing you (never happened to me-save for a screwball thing with the State of Colorado a few years […]

Is the Republican Party in the US ever right about anything?

For about as long as I can remember, going back to Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s, the Republican Party in the United States has tended to espouse three core beliefs:

First, the United States has high taxes and these high taxes hurt the economy because they discourage rich people from investing in […]

Bayh’s Response

Here is the response to my letter to Senator Bayh about S. 1023. I’m under the impression my letter was not read.

Dear Mr. TQE:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the fiscal condition of our country. I appreciate your thoughts and understand your concern on this important issue.

I am a longtime […]

2008 Taxes Done!

My accountant finished my taxes yesterday!

Nothing to pay in the USA, and I’m getting a tidy refund from Germany.

I told one of my colleagues how much money I was getting back and he told me that it would be tax-free income–a highly accurate point!

Let me know if you’d like information about my […]

Republican Rhetoric

via Mr. Charlie Todd