
January 2025


It’s been a great 24 hours for my communication!

Monday evening, when I was at home, I got a call from my friendly T-Punkt store (T-Punkt sells stuff for T-Com (the telephone company, and now known as, I believe, T-Home) and what used to be (at least in Germany) T-Mobile (the mobile phone company, now happily known as “Telekom”).

The wonderful lady had happy […]

Holy Crap! Guests are coming! I need to clean!

Other than the movers, the handyman, and the (unnecessary) plumber, the only person to have set foot in my apartment since my move-in day is… me.

In part it is because of my kitchen: I like to cook for my guests and until my kitchen cabinets are properly attached to the wall, I’m not really […]

On The Road Again.

I’ve kind of sworn off blogging when I’m too busy or too tired to put something coherent together, but this is an exception because I might be awake and coherent tonight, but I’m not sure my Internet will be.

If you’ve been paying attention to my Twitter, I’ve been having problems with the phone company—and […]

Ready to go… and a T-Com Story

I didn’t have as perfect a weekend as I had planned—waylaid Saturday afternoon, I didn’t actually start stuffing my suitcase until Sunday.

Suffice it to say, I’ve outdone myself: 28 bars of Ritter Sport, 12 bars of specialty German soap for a sibling, 1 fragile gift for a friend, one pair of shoes, shirts, undies, […]

Random Tuesday Today Thoughts

I know that Snooker in Berlin participates in the weekly Random Tuesday Thoughts—and to be different, I’m doing it on Wednesday—but only because I have a crap load of thoughts to get out. I could try and break down the thoughts into more complete individual blog posts, but none of these thoughts really deserve that […]

Bad Customer Service

More Modern than Ameritech's best.

After growing up and living in the (American) West, I’d come to understand one solid fact about US West, the local telephone company: It was the most evil, awful, horrible, and despicable company on the face of the planet.

And then in 1998 I moved to Indiana.

Even before […]

Life’s Better Here

My last years living in Colorado and Wyoming, US West, the local Baby Bell, had a series of ads featuring the slogan, “Life’s Better Here”. I really liked the ads—there was something really ephemeral and wonderful about them.

After moving to Indiana, I quickly learned that despite all the gripes about US West’s quality of […]

My Genes Suck

It’s exciting—by this time tomorrow, my furniture will be in my new apartment.

Unfortunately T-Com doesn’t come until Thursday, so I will probably be back here at my friends’ place, not just to take care of the cats, but to check my email. My friends are off on one of their well deserved vacations, and […]

Two Bad Questions

Do you want to know how to annoy me to no end?

It’s easy: Call me and after I say “Hello” ask me either one of two questions: “What are you doing?” or “Where are you?”

It happened to me in the States—somebody would call me at home, on Saturday night, at 10pm and ask […]

Revenge, Served Cold

In what I can only presume is some perverse form of revenge for revealing voice mail secrets on my blog, T-Com, the phone company, has managed to get its revenge.

My phone service and DSL was cut off today.

Kind of frustrating, I first started noticing problems last night at about 6:30, whilst I was […]