One of the stops I made while visiting New York City in February was the National September 11 Memorial. I didn’t say anything about it then, but given that today is 9/11, it seems appropriate to bring it up.
Honestly, it was very well done – capturing, somehow, an […]
It’s been 10 years since the awful events of September 11th, 2001.
I’ve pondered the event quite a bit over the last week – the news is pushed on me by mass media – and I’ve come to the conclusion that 9/11 changed the United States and the world that I know in only stupid […]
I just want to point out, in light of the current Libyan events, that today is the 25th anniversary of the La Bella discotheque bombing here in Berlin. Two US soldiers and 1 Turkish woman were killed, along with scores injured.
Looking back, one of the truly remarkable things about American governments, whether led by […]
The attack at the US Consulate in Istanbul got me thinking last night.
Generally speaking I try to avoid official US Embassies and Consulates whilst traveling as they generally do not make me feel especially safe. There’s always tons of paranoid security afraid of photography, loitering, and human beings in general.
As the most accessible […]
I was silently jubilant Wednesday morning when I learned that Ned Lamont had managed to defeat Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman in the Democratic Primary. My joy was tempered by the fact that Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman had decided to run for Senate on the “Connecticut for Lieberman” ticket.
Now I am furious.
Bush-Kissing Lieberman is now suggesting […]
School officials in Ft. Myers, Florida, USA, have decided to keep their kids safe by not allowing them to travel to London to participate in the 2007 New Year’s Day Parade.
It seems that the local school officials are a bit worried about Terrorism, not remembering that their own city isn’t that safe.
More: CNN […]
Metro Spijkenisse
Uploaded by everybody….
Here’s a run down of a few Rotterdam based things this week:
I got yelled at while waiting on the RET Metro last night—my offense? Preparing to take a photograph. A “security guard” asked me if I was doing so, and in the same breath told me it […]
As I write this, it has been 8 hours since the bomb attacks in London and 7 hours since I first learned about them (Guardian | Newsblog).
Much like September 11th has become defined by one year in history, 2001, July 7 will now be defined by a singular terrorist attack in London.
I feel […]
My thoughts are with everybody in London today.
I hope that those responsible are found quickly and dealt with appropriately.
(Guardian | Newsblog)
So last night I went out clubbing in Erfurt, a 20ish minute train ride west of Weimar.
The goal was to visit the schwul club, but instead I found Russians.
According to the Gay Thüringen web site, Test-It is the party location for gays, lesbians, and the curious in Erfurt-and it opens up once a […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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