
September 2024


Whatchamacallit 144: Happy End, soft de luxe

The first time I visited Germany, the Lonely Planet guidebook mentioned that one grocery store chain had named its house brand of toilet paper, “Happy End.”

My hosts denied knowledge of such a store with such a brand. It wasn’t until after I lived in Germany that I learned that Penny was the store […]

Whatchamacallit 50: My Toilet Sign

Last year I went to Barcelona with the goal of figuring out where my Great Aunt drew the drawing that hangs on my wall – the goal was achieved, thanks to one of my friends – which I cannot thank him enough for his hard work!

While there, I picked up the above print […]

Welcome Home Sir Commode!

When I left this morning, the old octagonal throne was still resident in the bathroom. I returned home to find this:

Beyond the obvious method of Christening the new toilet, I’m really at a loss as to the best way to celebrate the arrival of my new friend.

Meanwhile, in case you missed my […]

I hardly knew you…

It is with much sadness that I say good-bye, auf wiedersehen, and Kiitos to my friend, confidant, and partner in times of need.

You’ve served a good life, residing in the attic apartment, a noble servant to the many residents of this fine space. I am but the last in a long line of […]

My New Toilet Seat!

Actually, I’m joking: I don’t actually have a new toilet seat yet.

There are, as we shall see, complications.

I love taking baths.

As you might recall from the photos of my apartment series (which I should restart before I forget), I have a pretty awesome bathroom—a huge bathtub, a nice window, and off […]

… He Who Pisseth Against The Wall

Seeing this toilet and its warning at Cafe Zeitgeist in Munich reminded me about that video I posted awhile back featuring Pastor Anderson talking about “he who pisseth against the wall”. Unfortunately the original video was taken down, but because many people wanted to make sure you could hear his […]

No Go Zone

Here’s one potential tourist trap I won’t be visiting:

via The Titanic Awards

Boneheaded Mistake

Wednesday I was a stupid idiot moron.

For the second time in less than a year, I managed to leave my passport on my desk, at home, instead of carrying it with me on an international trip. I realized this in Frankfurt and turned around going back home to Weimar to pick up the passport […]

Another Level: Space!

Saturday night was a big night for me.

After a couple months of having nothing to do locally on the weekends, beyond watching my own movies, this past Saturday night I had TWO parties to attend. One was a housewarming party in Jena, and the other was “Gays In Space” at Weimar’s Kunst Turm.

As […]

Big Bowl Bash

Rumor has it that today is the day of some massively big bowl bash in Amerika.

Two groups of men wearing too much clothing are going to go and beat each other up in some big coliseum like facility in a place that is hot and miserable. Truly weird Amerikans in Europa can see the […]