
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 101: Sky Airlines Sickness Bag

Back in May 2010, I desperately needed a vacation – it’s hard to describe how much I needed to get away in that moment.

I ended up in Antalya, Turkey, for several nights – flying Sky Airlines to and from the city.

The airsickness bag, one of only a small number I’ve ever taken […]

Random Things: I promise not to do this too often.

I have a zillion things running through my mind and I need to get them off my chest, so here goes nothing:

Penny Markt, home of Happy End toilet paper, is selling a Coca-Cola duvet and pillow cover set for 20€ this week. I want a set and I made a plan to go buy […]

Three Travel Notes on Antalya

I can sadly report that I am back home in Weimar after a 3 and a half hour flight from Antalya.

Here are three quick thoughts about my trip.

First up, I flew Sky Airlines; an airline I’d never heard of before. I found the airline after Michele commented that I should take a flight […]

Boy am I glad that I…

Switched from shorts to pants while waiting to board the plane in Antalya.

I’ve gone from hot to cold. From sunny to cloudy. From clear to thunder and lightening.

More tomorrow.

Today I did nothing. And I did it very well.

Here, unabridged, is what I did today.

08:00 Woke Up to people eating breakfast outside my window.

Spot the diver.

09:15 After shower, I joined people and ate breakfast outside my window.

10:00 I tried to confirm my plane reservation home, but that did not work.

10:20 Arrived at post office and […]

Antalya at Evening

It’s been a very lazy Sunday. Plus an aside on my Side trip, etc…

Watching the passing boats.

My big actions of the day: a walk through the historic harbor areas and a long afternoon nap.

Yup, that was my big day. I’d originally planned on finding the beach, but it was rainy in the morning, and after the sun came out, it didn’t really stay out and […]

Three Ugly Photos from my Side Trip

Me at the Apollo in Side, Turkey

Aspendos, a Roman theater that is in remarkably good shape.

The Kursunlu Waterfall is very pretty!


Antalya, First Day of Exploration!

Happily my flight to Antalya landed on time this morning: 01.30, and 15 minutes later I had bought my visa, gone through passport control and then, since I didn’t check luggage, right through customs and out to find my waiting ride.

Breakfast as seen from above.

And then I went to bed, sleeping until […]

Surprise Ürlaub – A Vacation to the Turkish Riviera

I decided Friday afternoon that it was high time for a vacation—my favorite kind of vacation where I lie on a beach and do absolutely nothing.

My initial thoughts lay to the west with either Hoek van Holland or Lisbon. Both have excellent beaches and friends nearby. However, I discarded Lisbon because I’m trying to […]