
September 2024


Situational Ethics: Being on the DL (Down-low) (or not)

One of my favorite blogs is the “rants and raves of a kenyan gay man”, which is written by a man in Kenya who’s gay and, as far as I can tell, “out” in that one in Kenya is out, which is to say, not really.

Or, as he puts it:

In the wider scheme […]

Is the Republican Party in the US ever right about anything?

For about as long as I can remember, going back to Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s, the Republican Party in the United States has tended to espouse three core beliefs:

First, the United States has high taxes and these high taxes hurt the economy because they discourage rich people from investing in […]

Mothers and Mobility

This past weekend was shockingly lazy: apparently I had a sleep deficit and I made up for it with a vengeance. Other than reading and taking four long naps, I did two significant things: I went to a park (where I read Straight Man, a delightful book), and I went to the gym.

It was […]

Where was I when I found out…

I was in bed, asleep, when I heard an SMS arrive. 5 AM.

Holy shit Osama .bin laden is dead.

I sort of fell back asleep – waking an hour later at my usual time, heading off to work, passively reading bits and pieces of news on the Internets during pauses in work.

Truthfully, while […]

On Freedom of Speech—especially anonymous speech.

One of my favorite things about the United States is its Constitution—in particular the first amendment to the Constitution, which reads,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to […]

General John Sheehan is an ignorant fool.

Dutch fury at US general’s gay theory over Srebrenica.

Glad he’s retired. I wish he was muzzled. He’s an embarrassment.

I smell a Whopper®

Just in time for last minute gift giving, Burger King has released Flame, a Whopper Scented men’s cologne:

A Whopper you can eat…

Still can’t think what to get him for Christmas? Socks don’t seem to cut it any more? Fret no longer because Burger King is here to help.

The mass purveyor of […]


As seen on the HBO Bill Maher Website (I added the bold):

Now you can listen to Bill and his roundtable guests whenever and wherever you want — with exclusive audio podcasts of Real Time with Bill Maher, available through iTunes®.

We are very sorry. At this time full episodes are only available for podcasts […]

Democrats Abroad, Germany: Annoying Freaks

Anybody who knows me knows that I have practically no patience for stupidity.

This brings me to the subject of the US State Department and the German chapter of the Democrats Abroad. Both have elements of stupidity—the former amusingly so, the later annoyingly so.

It all started innocently enough when I checked one of my […]

Taxing Problem

I’m having a nasty headache, one which I am extra happy to have been handed whilst in the States. Had I been in Germany when this one arrived it would have been a nightmare.

For some reason, although I moved out of Colorado in 1998, Colorado thinks that I owe them some $460 in overdue […]