
January 2025


eAT – elektronischer Aufenthaltsitel – Question

In the near-ish future, I will be picking up my eAT – the elektronischer Aufenthaltsitel – that will be permission for me to stay in Germany a bit longer.

The eAT format is a credit-card sized document that includes a chip that contains biometric identification information.

Providing this led the most amusing moment of my […]

Two things for Tuesday

First: I have, at long last, my new Aufenthaltstitel – which is what gives me permission to live and work in Germany. It’s valid for as long as my current contract is valid. Very exciting!

Second, is an amusing chat I had today:

Me: I saw a really hot guy today in the park across […]

Lugar’s Response

Here is the response to my letter to Senator Lugar about S. 1023. Lugar, unlike Bayh, understood my concerns, even if we disagree.

Dear Mr. TQE:

Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns related to the revenue raising provisions in S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act. I appreciate having the benefit […]

S. 1023 is a bad idea.

Dear Senators Lugar and Bayh,

I am an American living in Weimar, Germany, and as my last residence was in Bloomington, Indiana, I am an Indiana voter.

As an American living in Germany I am acutely aware of how the United States is perceived by non-citizens. Actions by the US Congress that citizens resident in […]

Trip Report

Unless you are a real sucker for boring reading, skip this post.


Armenia Planning Update

Sunday night I started panicking about my September trip to Armenia. Hotels in Yerevan, the capital city, are more expensive than I expected, although I suspect there is a significant price premium for booking hotels that can be found on the Internet—this is a country where few places have a web presence.

I finally drew […]

Beautiful Day

It was a great day—my trip to the administrative offices in Weimar took 3 minutes—the computer must have started working yesterday afternoon. I also went to the post office and accomplished all that I needed to do in only a few minutes.

I then had a really productive four hours at the coffee shop before […]

Drudgery, of sorts.

Today was the day I was supposed to renew my residency visa, but… well, the office computer was broken, and I couldn’t be registered anew. I need to do it this week as I’m leaving Sunday, so tomorrow is my last chance. I’m planning on being there at 9 o’clock sharp, when the office opens.



It’s been a busy week already, and it is only… Tuesday, according to my calendar.

This morning I attended the workshop at the office, then at noon when everybody else headed to lunch, I went to my office, grabbed a few pieces of paper and headed for Weimar because if I didn?t, I would become […]