
February 2025


Podcasts I listen to (2022 Edition)

I’m fast approaching the three year mark of walking at least 10,000 steps every day, even on days when I travel and it is otherwise difficult.

A small celebration will occur when appropriate.

Many of my steps – I dare say close to most – have been accompanied by podcasts. Given that it’s probably […]

Whatchamacallit 113: Bluetooth Headphones

So, I bought this particular pair of Bluetooth headphones awhile back – sometime last summer. I have no idea how much I paid for them. However, I paid 15.99€ each for two backup sets at the outbreak of the Covid-19 Crisis because I was worried that if this pair broke (and they will, one […]

Whatchamacallit 15: With New Eyes

Since I’ve been spending more time at home, I’ve been spending more time looking at my things – and I realize now that I actually have very little representing the Berlin that I live in.

“With New Eyes” is a notable exception: back on October 29, 2011, I took a tour of Berlin’s hot […]

Whatchamacallit 3: My New Orchid

Monday morning, I went for my (now) usual morning constitutional – leaving home at 06:00, back around 07:30. The goal is to get my 10,000 steps in while the streets are deserted.

There is a careful dance early in the morning – people take detours in order to avoid each other – whether a […]

Shetland Islands – I was in the middle of something…

We stopped in Mid Yell for the obvious photo.

Traveling south from Unst to the “mainland” (the Shetland Island’s largest island), one crosses Yell, and past “Mid-Yell” – a shameless photo-opt ensued.

This was one of the narrower roads that we drove on — not the narrowest. Every so often there were passing […]

Alternative London – Exploring Brick Lane

Saturday, before Book of Mormon, I headed over toward Brick Lane for the Alternative London tour – which is, basically, a tour of Brick Lane focusing on street art and graffiti. The tour is done on a donation basis – at the end of the tour you tip what you think the tour was worth.


Decamped to Hillcrest, San Diego

It’s Harvey Milk Street!

I’m currently in San Diego – here to see some ex-expatriates who used to live in Berlin – but also to have me time.

Indiana is always a minefield for me – a good minefield, but a minefield nevertheless. Despite having moved away from Bloomington some 8 years ago, I […]

My Weekend in Photos

Spot something out of place here?


Outta Hibernation!

Sorry about my silence the last weekend, but the sun came out and, consequently, I went out. I’ve gone for a number of long walks out into the country side, and then in the evenings I’ve either been plum tuckered out, or, like last night, I went over to a friend’s place to hang out […]

Bloomington Indiana: Tons of Things in One Dispatch

This is one of those moments where I have a ton of things to say, but it occurs to me that I’ll never have enough time to say it all in thematic blog posts unless the theme is “Bloomington, Indiana” – so here it is: one post, many things, one city.

My favorite coffee shop […]