
January 2025


A quick trip to Washington…

Last weekend I made a quick — four night — trip to Washington, D.C. The goal was to attend the 2017 Equality March.

Adam in front of the White House during the 2017 Equality March.

Although I’ve become quiet politically, I still have strong opinions about being liberal. With the election of Donald […]

Looking back… Today in my history!

Now that I no longer have anything left in storage Stateside (although my Mom might beg to differ), all of my precious belongings are with me in Berlin – the most precious of which are memories.

Like, for example, my calendars – from 1994 through 2002, I kept paper calendars with all my exams, appointments, […]

Somehow I’m still not jaded…

A few years ago I was in Washington DC, walking down the street, playing the part of tourist, when I came upon some locals – people playing football in the park, jogging down the streets, carrying groceries home.

I was envious – these were people who get to live every day in a fabulous city […]

President’s Day Weekend

A few photos from both sides of the Atlantic.

Weimar pays tribute

Washington DC pays tribute.

Weimar pays tribute.

Washington's Washington Monument


What you (we) missed…

This has been an incredibly great trip—productive on the one hand, fun on the other.

Unfortunately it has to come to an end and I am heading back to Weimar today—getting home Monday morning. Home is, of course, a wonderful place and I although I slept in excellent beds at two different Hiltons, there is […]

All Against H8

The Washington Monument and Pride

For the past week, save one incident, I have had the most incredible luck imaginable.

Last Saturday I lucked into Berlin’s mp3 Experiment, Pittsburgh was a far more interesting city than I could have anticipated, and I was in Washington DC for today’s march against California proposition 8, coordinated […]


My time in Washington is done, and it’s time for New York City.

I never got around to downloading the rest of my photos from DC, so you’re probably going to have to wait until I am back at home for me to download the photos from my camera and then upload them to the […]


I know that I usually leave my house shortly after 7:30 each morning, but usually that follows a 10 or 10:30 bedtime. Last night I got to bed at midnight and I was out the door at 6:30 in order to get to the DuPont Circle Starbucks by 7, to make sure that there was […]

What’s Next?

I’ve done a lot of walking since getting to DC—visiting a lot of places and doing a lot of things: Arlington, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, World War II Memorial, and Korean War Memorial—to name a few.

All of this time I’ve been wondering to myself the very question posed in the comments by Ed: What […]

Respect and Honor, II

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Dusk 29 September 2007. Pax.