
February 2025


Whatchamacallit 41: Friedrichstraße as art

This cute piece of art, featuring the dramatic glass dome over the Friedrichstraße S-Bahn station and a tram.

The fox is not normally seen in this environment, but I suppose that it might be seen there today. I wouldn’t know since I haven’t been near there in a long time.

I bought this last […]

I know that I can be too cynical – Visiting the Rixdorf Weihnachtsmarkt.

Last Year’s Glühwein was at Potsdamer Platz. Yuck.

One of the big traditions in Germany this time of year is the obligatory cup of glühwein at a Christmas market – having been wiped out the last week due to illness, I ventured to my first Christmas market today – the Rixdorf Weihnachtsmarkt, which is […]

You know it’s a German Christmas Market when…

These two options featured on the way-finding signs.

This was my first Christmas Market of the year.

Ready, Set…

I’m ready to go. Really. Today I woke up obscenely early, putzed around, did a load of laundry, packed my suitcase, started another load of laundy, popped down to the Weihnachtsmarkt for a present (I decided I would only buy it if I had space in the suitcase, and I did!), had lunch, came home, […]

Random Deutsch Things

I forgot to explicitly say it, but last weekend, the men in Apolda were really cute—that is to say they had my number: lots of funky hair that attracts me. Why these men do not seem to show up in Weimar is beyond me.

Christmas shopping sucks: Disenchanted has complained about it before, so it […]

Warm and Fuzzy

This was a weekend of Weihnachtsmärkte for me.

Saturday I got out of town and headed to Apolda, which is a small city located ten minutes east of Weimar on a regional train. I’d looked at a map of the city awhile back (read: 3 months), so I had a vague notion where the city […]

I was Walkin’ in Weimar

I have important news for you!

Well, maybe it’s not really important news, but it is news: I took a walk this afternoon downtown and wandered around the Weihnachtsmarkt, and the headless Santa has been removed from the sleigh! Happily, little children will no longer be traumatized by the sight.

That wasn’t the only interesting […]

Christmas Market Monday

Update: See the listing of other Christmas Market Monday Postings Here!

In accordance with J’s suggestion, I headed out to the local Weihnachtsmarkt and took photos this weekend. I actually hit up two of the markets, starting with the one in Jena on Friday evening followed with a trip through Weimar’s on Saturday.

My […]

‘Tis almost the season…

Today I took one of the trains home from the office that forced me to either walk or take a taxi home. The train ride was really uncomfortable—way too many people and bicycles were trying to get on the train thus limiting personal space to practically zero. I positioned myself carefully to ensure that I […]

Más vale llegar a tiempo que ser invitado.

For those of you most familiar with my favorite book of all time, the above makes clear that I’ve just reread it.

Yes, Red Sky at Morning has been my literature of choice this past week. I wish I knew how many times I’ve read it—surely I must be fast approaching thirty times—I’ve read it […]