
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 155: wine cork (to be deaccessioned)

So this wine cork has rested atop my electricity meter and circuit breakers since, I think, my housewarming party, which was held in fall of 2010.

Since then, I have seen it out of the corner of my eye as I go in and out of my apartment, sitting there, collecting dust.

The side […]

Exhausted in Edinburgh

Our last day in Edinburgh and we revisited an old friend (the castle), had tea at the Elephant House, and do some wandering in new parts of town. It was great seeing the 1:00 cannon, visiting the Honours of Scotland, and drinking tea where JK Rowling worked.

Everyday day (except Sunday), the 1:00 cannon […]

Friday Night, at home.

Federweißer with pizza fixings in the background.

Before going into the oven. I forgot to take the baked picture…


Party Notes, Beverages

Here’s the beverage situation at home, with respect to my party:


Flensburger: Started with 3, 3 consumed, 0 left. Lösch-Zwerg: Started with 4, 2 consumed, 1 left. Büble Bier: Started with 3, 1 consumed, 2 left. Becks: Started with 6, 5 consumed, 1 left. Berliner Kindl Weisse (Raspberrry): Started with […]

Cake and Wine for Koko the Birthday Girl

I spent my final weekend away on this trip visiting Koko and Boy, my two friends who have changed Indiana-no-place into Indianapolis with a nice home overlooking a small lake, a beautiful kitchen, and excellent conversation.

Although her birthday was Thursday, he big celebration was held Friday evening, when I showed up. I brought with […]

Status, Civilisation, and Mildly Boozy Thoughts

Right now I’m working on 4 projects simultaneously:

Massive Project is the one without an immediate deadline. It needs to be done before Christmas, but not all the components are yet in place. I have pieces that need attention, but there are three other things needing attention Annoying Project is one that should have been […]

Lemming Like

Everything pictured is not in the recipe.

Rarely do I like to do all the things that the cool kids are doing—instead I strike out on my own. I’ve even extended that to include my blog—its been eons since I last participated in a e-group thing like National Blog Everyday Even If You Have […]

Wine for people like me!

"Honey, what are we eating tonight…"

Dinner at Perlin

Friday night I met Snooker for dinner at a charming little wine bar named Perlin.

Being American, we arranged to meet extremely early at 6:30. I had picked the time under the vague impression that we could have dinner and that afterwards I would go out dancing and have a late night. Unfortunately our agreed […]

Cheap Date

I had two glasses of my Aldi wine tonight: one with my burrito dinner, and the second when I realized that there was only one glass of wine left in the bottle.

It knocked me out—and I have no idea what time I crashed.

I only know that it was pretty early.

I really am […]