
January 2025


Back in gear at the gym.

I’m happy to report that after a two or three month slump at the gym, the past week or so, I seem to have hit my stride again.

Looking back, I’m pretty sure that November was a month that I went to the gym, just to keep the habit going. December was the month I […]

A Little Remembered Anniversary Passed This Week

I work out.

While Germans were observing the anniversary of Kristallnacht and celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, I observed the second anniversary of my gym membership.

By coincidence I had a meeting with my personal trainer – and we discussed my progress over the last two years.

And as I look back […]

18:00 CET: On the Vario

As I sort of expected, I was at the gym at 18:00 CET today – I’d already lifted all the weights and so I was on to my cardio for the day, the Vario machine.

18:00 CET time came at roughly 45 minutes into my 50 minutes of cardio – I sort of had to […]

I’m workin’ it! Progress with working out….

It has been awhile since I last blogged about going to the gym, so I thought it was high time for a quick update: progress is being made.

No, I’m not losing weight, yet – although I will say I think that in the past week there is movement in that direction.

I am, however, […]

An Update on Getting Fit

My second great experiment with the gym began last November (for those of you unaware, I had a great experiment with the gym when I lived in Bloomington – and, in fact, when I moved here, I wasn’t slim, but I wasn’t fat – my German driving license shows a much slimmer (in the face) […]

There are three ways, dammit!

Yesterday I had a meeting with somebody and I brought with me a bar of chocolate for him.

He didn’t want it, explaining that he didn’t want to gain weight, then reluctantly accepted it, and then demanded I share it.

I didn’t want to share because after the meeting I was going to the gym, […]

A Mismash of Many Things!

I’ve had a pretty busy week – Actually it’s been a fantastic week.

I can only think of two “negative” things: First, I banged my leg into a table Tuesday evening –pretty hard—it took me 2 minutes of cursing before I could move again—and it hurt enough to noticeably bother me through Friday. It’s still […]

It is hereby resolved that…

Ah, it’s the end of the year – time for housekeeping, of sorts.

Maybe a resolution, or two.

I guess there are two resolutions that I’m making for 2011.

First, I will continue to go to the gym, every other day, when practically possible.

Although I’ve been planning on starting the gym […]

Das Fitnessstudio und ich: Ich liebe das Fitnessstudio.

Für ein und ein halb Monaten habe ich das Fitnessstudio gefahren.

Es sind zwei Fitnessstudios in der Nähe von mein Wohnung—und mein ist die zweite nächstgelegene. Das Fitnessstudio ist sehr Schwule-freundlich. Ich denke dass 99% von der Männer sind Schwule und die Augenweide sind Geil.

Erste im der Fitnessstudio stemme ich Gewichte. Meine Trainerin mochtest […]

Update on my gym life.

I’m trying not to let my blog turn into a continuous update of my every other day gym trips, as that would be completely boring. However it’s been five weeks since I joined the gym and I’m striving to make the gym a habit—and so far it’s working.

In order to enforce the habit, I’m […]