So… I might be the last to inform you, but Germany won the World Cup just over a week ago.
To nobody’s surprise, I was part of distinct minority in Germany: the 14% that did not watch the final match. But hey: the game started at 9pm and I wanted to go to work at […]
…and with no air conditioning, per usual.
June has, to be blunt, hotted up nicely. With temperatures soaring above 30°C daily since Saturday, my ice cream sorbet consumption has soared.
This past weekend was a three-day weekend in Berlin (and, I suspect, most of Germany). Celebrating Whit Monday, this was the last legal holiday for […]
At the office Friday afternoon, as I was leaving, I stuck my head in to say good-bye for the weekend to one of my football (as in soccer) loving colleagues. I know he’s a football fan because last summer he watched all of the football matches, live from South Africa.
This year the Women’s World […]
I think World Cup fever has gone a step too far.
Thursday: In the evening Anke invited me to join her in watching a football game Friday – I assumed that some kind of local Weimar team was playing and that it would be a great opportunity to take photographs of people doing athletic things.
It wasn’t until around noon on Friday that it occurred to […]
If I were to write a script where I was putting myself through hell, it would look something like this:
I arrive somewhere not realizing that “somewhere” is on the verge of breaking out in celebration or protest. I check into my hotel and am warned that a private party might be disruptive. I stay […]
Yeah, you know how earlier today I admitted that I wasn’t as ignorant about the “fußball” thingy going on here in Deutschland?
Well, uh, I am ignorant.
I had no idea that Germany was playing today until I was on the train and they announced the score over the PA system and someone blew an […]
Our office cafeteria lady distributed new cards promoting her catering business. The cards were written in German and presumably proofread by Germans, but like any good promotional material, there is English on the card emphasizing certain points. Unfortunately, the third bullet point was labeled “slowfat,” thus evoking bizarre mental imagery. Presumably she meant “low fat,” […]
You WILL Support the Team
Originally uploaded by elmada.
So I am no fool, I do know that there is a little soccer tournament ongoing here in Germany.
However, I give it the due attention it deserves along side of other insignificant sporting events like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, and the NBA, […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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