
February 2025


Toll Herbst

This is the first of three weekends where I am taking exciting trips to lands more distant an hour from Weimar.

Tomorrow I head up to Bremen for the Fourth Annual Whiney Expatriate Blogger Meet-Up. It’s not too late to join in; if you’re interested you should check out Germany Doesn’t Suck for more details.


Clean House & Cheap Tixs

Zwiebelmakrt is in full force—yesterday I walked through downtown Weimar, weaving my way through the stands as I went to and from the Weimar Office. I didn’t bother to try to visit Jena because of the train strike, plus I had to take care of some business in Weimar that I had both put off […]


Tomorrow the Zwiebelmarkt starts. There’s also a strike among the regional and local train drivers. Parking should be even worse than normal, not that it is ever a picnic during the market.

Meanwhile, enjoy a couple photos of the Riesenrad.


Zwiebel Season

It’s that time of year, here in Weimar—you can smell it coming.

Zwiebelmarkt is this weekend, and I can already taste the Zwiebelkuchen.

This weekend is about the only time of year that Weimar seems to forget its Goethe and Schiller heritage and moves full force onto something else: Onions.

As I passed through the […]

Hosting Parties

It’s half past midnight and I’ve cleaned up after my party as much as I can, this late at night.

The gumbo was an all day cooking process—I started at something like 9 this morning chopping celery, onions, and garlic, before moving on to chopping sausage and chicken, and tofu bratwurst.

Once it was all […]

Zwiebelmarkt und Demokratie

Tomorrow is the day of my big Onion Market party—where I am serving delicious Louisiana Gumbo.

Today is the day I make the basics of gumbo—including vegetable stock.

But before I did that, I ran down to the Zwiebelmarkt because I needed to get cash from the ATM and run over to the post office […]

Zwiebelmarkt Excitement!

This upcoming weekend is the 353rd Annual Zwiebelmarkt here in Weimar.

Yes, the annual event where an insane number of people pour into an area that is quite small. I do not have official figures, but I would guess that over the course of the weekend, 30-40,000 people are all downtown drinking beer, eating Onion […]


Zwiebelmarkt Cutie!

Originally uploaded by elmada.

Updated! Be sure you check out the extended entry for new comments!

I headed down to the Weimar Zwiebelmarkt (Onion Market) this afternoon to grab a few photographs of the event.

Quite frankly it’s a bit of a circus and a bit repetitive. As you wander through […]


This weekend is the 352nd Onion Market in Weimar.

The weekend will be full of onion cakes, onion decorations, and onion Ferris wheels.

Well, maybe not the last one, but still, you get the idea. I could feel the market’s vibes as I walked the streets home today—stages were being set up, booths built, and […]


This weekend there is a huge festival going on here in Weimar. From what I have made out, it’s an onion festival, and if it’s not an onion festival, it ought to be an onion festival.

The center of Weimar has been packed since noon on Friday with thousands of tourists pouring into town. Its […]